Formerly Western Wisconsin Paranormal Investigations
Founded 2006
Mabel Tainter Theater
Menomonie, WI

This is the beautiful and Historic Mabel Tainter Theater in Menomonie, WI.
The Mabel Tainter Memorial Theater was constructed in 1889 as a tribute to Mabel Tainter, a young woman who loved music and the arts. Mabel passed away in 1886 at the age of nineteen. The Memorial was commissioned by her parents, Captain and Mrs. Andrew Tainter. Captain Tainter was a lumber baron and silent partner with Knapp, Stout, & Co. The facility, now known as The Mabel Tainter, serves as a performing arts and cultural center.
The building was constructed during the grand Victorian era, and no expense was spared. The exterior of the building is constructed of Dunnville sandstone quarried along the Red Cedar River southeast of the present village of Downsville. Harvey Ellis was the architect. In his designs, Ellis included the Moorish style of curved surfaces, combination of arches, and hand carved details framing the main entrance.
The facility is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is a charter member of the League of Historic American Theatres, and is a designated Wisconsin Historical Marker Site. The Mabel Tainter features a lavish 261-seat "crown jewel" Victorian theater. It is a premier example of a restored vintage American theater.
The Mabel Tainter Theater is reported to be haunted by several different things from the past. There seems to have been many encounters over the years by both staff and guests.
The first images show just how beautiful the inside of the wonderful building is.

The following images show what was found on an initial investigation done on September 28, 2019

Let us know what you think of the images.
Investigation on April 4th, 2020
Apparition on the left. It moves fast so watch quick and close!!
Manifestation 1
2nd Theater Orb
2nd Floor Orb
Light anomaly and orb from the left
Manifestation Or Orb, You decide!
3rd Theater Orb
Light Anomaly
1st Theater Orb
Basement Orb
Wall Shadow, Right side by chair, Moves quick so watch fast
We literally have hundreds of videos of things we caught during this investigation but only put what we feel is the best here!!! Let us know what you think!!!
Here is some of what we found from January 23rd, 2021
The following images show what was found on our investigation done on January 23rd, 2021

These images show the time line of an apparition's movements
Video clips from January 23rd, 2021
Watch for the light
Intelligent Orb crosses floor

Image of apparition from video
Light anomaly
Something leaves
Orb madness
This investigation was differnet than before. The building had a different feel to it. This wonderful building had been having events there for around 130 years but with Covid it has been without them for a year. The spirits in this historic site are used to being entertainted in one form or another. After a year with nothing it felt like they were starting to get a bit testy. At the conclusion of this investigation we recommended playing music to give them at least some form of entertainment. If this goes as we think it will it will show that this virus has not only had an affect on the living. We will see how much it has helped when we go back in March!!!
The following is part of what we were able to get durning our March 6th, 2021 investigation
Images from March 6th, 2021